Hiziki, mehijiki, hizikia fusiforme mainly hijiki seaweed is a wild seaweed that is highly nutritious and easily distinguish itself from other seaweeds because of its distinctive features, a signature black with shredded appearance.
The hijiki seaweed is usually used in soups, salads and vegetable dishes.
When simmered together with a myriad of vegetables in a savory dashi broth, it would result a flavorful hijiki seaweed salad, perfect as an appetizer or starter.
Hijiki seaweed salad in short, hijiki salad, is a classic Japanese side dish which is popular not only in the Japanese restaurants but also the Korean restaurants.
You may cook it if desired as seen in one of those pictures.
Savory and tasty, before the next meal start, add hijiki salad to cart ;D
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